California Federation Scholarship Application Form 2023/2024

California Federation Scholarship: This article contains topics about California scholarship federation application, award, amount,benefits, requirements,official website, sealbearer, UC application , cord, how to fill out the california scholarship Federation application form, FAQs and all other tips you need to know.


Are you a high school graduate who is looking at getting scholarships to study their favorite major at college? Then here’s that opportunity you need to achieve your dream and study your dream major at your dream best college. So let’s get started.


Introduction to California Scholarship Federation

The california scholarship federation, csf is a not for profit organization founded in the United States with the mission to encourage and recognise academic success and achievements and community service amongst middle school and high school students in California.

Becoming a member at csf is by submission of applications by eligible students which is based on their reports and grades and membership o f this prestigious body is for only a semester.

How Does the California Scholarship Federation operate?

However, the california federation scholarship is for all the students that are admitted into either a university or a college in california.

Firstly, the student has to be admitted into either of a college or any  University in California and must be fully enrolled

Once the student is enrolled, they can fill out an application form for a 50 dollar yearly membership fee. 

As a csf member, you are entitled to free monthly product and events from the csf partners, newsletters and member related resources.



For you to be eligible for the California scholarship federation awards, you must be nominated or selected by your college professor or university professor to stand a chance.


California Federation Scholarship Award 

The following listed below are the benefits for members of the csf:

four 94) or five(5)  life membership pin, gold tassel and a gold seal on diploma certificate

Community service- fifty(50)points per hour during four(4) years of being in high school and a gold sash for a maximum of ten(10) per hour per activities for each year.

California Federation Scholarship Benefits

Members will receive a california federation scholarship lamp pin, golden seals on their school transcripts and their diploma certificates and then a gold cord. Members  who were involved in community service activities and or projects will receive a gold stole and field trips for its members.


California Federation Scholarship Requirements

To be eligible for the csf membership application, students must fulfill the following obligations and requirements:


CSF Membership requirements for Graduation:

Seal bearer level or status:

All members must have a minimum of four(4) semesters of california scholarship federation, csf eligibility from the last five or six semesters and one semester form the  senior year must be included.


Membership with the highest  honor roll requirements include:


As a member, you must have at least  six(6) weeks of california scholarship  federation


Membership Requirements For Corcoran High

To keep maintaining an active student membership status, you must meet or obtained the california scholarship federation grade points

Members must have  twenty(20) hours of community service work

And then must have paid four(4) dollars for the semesters application


Semesters eligibility

Fresh-me year – two(2) , Associate

Sophomore year 2

Junior- year- 2

Senior year -2



Memberships can be given or earned if the student applies and earned about ten(10) california scholarship federation, csf points. Points are given or earned from the previous semester’s grades following the scale below:

Four(4) out of the ten(10) must come from courses from list I


Official Website For the CSF Application

The official website for the California Scholarship Federation application is at


California Scholarship Federation Scholarship Amount

4000 dollars for Nursing program

2500 dollars for business and management scholarship

100 dollars for engineering scholarship

5000 dollars merit- based scholarship award

2500 dollars general scholarship award


How to fill out the California Federation Scholarship

Eligible students can apply through the official website at


FAQs about the California Scholarship Federation


Is There a Fee to Join CSF?

No, but membership dues will be collected  during the student’s year as a senior if they have attained a full lifetime membership at California scholarship federation


Can I join the CSF as a freshman?

Yes you can because as a freshman one of the requirement to become a member of the california scholarship federation is to present the grades you earned from your 10th to 12th grade


Author Profile

Sire Ephraim

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